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Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Why is high school important to you Essay Example for Free
For what reason is secondary school essential to you Essay Sick disclose to you why. at the point when you go to class you can grow up to be anything you pick in your correct psyche to be. Be that as it may, in the event that you simply jettison school and accept it as a joke you wont get the hang of anything and youll be on the boulevards asking for a hundred dollars. You can realize what you can and be not kidding about it. Dont you need great vehicles, a house and in any event a vocation. on the off chance that you dont need it, at that point your life will be as hopeless as you posed this inquiry. Its imperative to get instruction, extremely, significant and that ought to be the most extraordinary thing in your life. Instead of celebrating, drinking or spending time with companions, accomplish something with your life for goodness sakes. Quit attempting to appear as though school is exhausting to you, you need to go. Other than having the option to find and keep a line of work that will bolster you, there are different things that are significant about school. School trains you discipline, to be the place youre expected to be when youre expected to be, the capacity to do things that you truly dont need to, to work with individuals that you truly dont need to; and to perhaps do them well. It likewise shows you how to discover things that you have to know yet dont realize how to discover; at the end of the day, how to research and how to be ingenious. Whatever it is that you need to do or are doing as opposed to going to class is the thing that youll be completing quite a while from now on the off chance that you dont take in what you need from school. In the event that its drinking, getting high. playing computer games or spending time with similarly invested companions. But, the greater part of the companions that you realize now will have proceeded onward or will be in prison. All youll have left is the destitute addicts that hang out on the avenues in light of the fact that the havens wont give them access during the day and have you at any point seen those destitute folks with computer games. One of the most significant things your kid can do to make scholarly progress is likewise one of the most essential: going to class each day. Actually, look into has demonstrated that your childs participation record might be the greatest factor impacting her scholarly achievement. Achievement:students who go to class normally are bound to pass perusing and math appraisals than understudies who dont go to class consistently. Opportunity: For more established understudies, being in school each day allows them to get familiar with school and grant openings, and to take the significant tests they have to fabricate an effective scholarly record. Presentation to the English language: Regular school participation can likewise help understudies who are learning English by allowing them to ace the aptitudes and data they need all the more rapidly and precisely even in different subjects! Being a piece of the school network: Just by being available at school, your youngster is figuring out how to be a productive member of society by taking an interest in the school network, learning important social aptitudes, and building up a more extensive world view. The significance of instruction: Your promise to class participation will likewise make an impression on your kid that training is a need for your family, going to class each day is a basic piece of instructive achievement, and that its imperative to pay attention to your duties including going to class. What you can do Asa parent or gatekeeper, it is conceivable to prepare so as to confine your childs nonappearances, focus on school participation, and help your youngster from falling behind in the event that it is important to miss a day of school.You can do this in the accompanying manners: Help your kid get the opportunity to class on time each day.Babysitting, issues with a vehicle or late transport, and the climate are not admissible motivations to miss school. Every now and again coming to class late may likewise be noted on your childs perpetual record, and will make it hard for your kid to remain found the primary exercises of every morning. Show your kid how to set and utilize a morning timer, and keep the TV killed toward the beginning of the day. Follow the schools rules and participation arrangement, and report excusedâ absences right away. Toward the start of the school year, survey the schools rules and ensure you comprehend whom you have to call if your kid will be missing. Check schoolwork. Check every night to see that your kid comprehends and finishes the days schoolwork assignments. Play a functioning job. Remain engaged with your childs day by day encounters at school by asking how the school day went, and afterward listening cautiously to what your kid imparts to you both the victories and battles. Make it a point to meet your childs instructor and companions. Find potential wellsprings of anxiety.If your youngster much of the time seems steamed or hesitant to go to class and can't reveal to you why, plan a meeting with their instructor or school advocate to discuss potential wellsprings of the tension. Keep refreshed on school occasions and declarations. Peruse the school archives that your kid brings home and observe significant declarations and dates, for example, class kickoff night and parent-educator gatherings. Attempt to constrain the measure of time that your kid misses school because of clinical arrangements or ailment. On the off chance that conceivable, abstain from booking regular checkups during the school day.Allow your kid to remain at home just on account of infectious or extreme diseases. Understudies who miss days, weeks, or long stretches of school ata time will make some troublesome memories passing their courses and making up for lost time to their friends. For more seasoned understudies, delayed unlucky deficiencies may make it extremely hard to move on from secondary school. Calendar family occasions with your childs school plan in mind.Plan special festivals or family trips during ends of the week or school get-aways. On account of family crises or startling outings, converse with your childs educator as far ahead of time as could be expected under the circumstances and set up a way that your kid can workâ ahead or welcome significant schoolwork on the outing. Plan ahead. Urge your youngster to get ready for the following school day by spreading out garments the prior night and assisting with fixing snacks. Advance great health.Make sure that your kid eats a reasonable eating routine with a lot of products of the soil, and has chances to practice each day through a games group or recess outside. Make a relaxing situation. Finally,make sure that your youngster can unwind before sleep time by accomplishing something calm like perusing instead of accomplish something animating, such as sitting in front of the TV. Guarantee that your youngster gets enough quality rest perfect sums go from 8 to 12 hours. Getting enough rest will assist her with getting up on schedule, be invigorated in the first part of the day, and feel prepared for an entire day of learning ahead! By focusing on your childs school participation, you will be making a significant stride in supporting your childs school achievement, and setting a genuine model. Recollect each day checks!
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Ethics Of Care And Relativism - 1370 Words
Ethical System Reflection Everyone has their own system for determining what is right and wrong based on certain principles. This can be categorized as an ethical system, which is defined as â€Å"a structured set of principles that defines what is moral†(Pollock, 2015). Ethical systems have a variety of characteristics, which create a blue print to how individuals make critical decisions. The two ethical systems I relate to are, ethics of care and relativism. Ethics of care is an ethical system which focuses on preserving and enriching relationships while also meeting the needs of others (Pollock, 2015). While relativism is an ethical system explains how what is deemed right and wrong changes based on an individual or groups belief (Pollock,†¦show more content†¦Applying Ethics of Care An example for ethics of care within the justice system is the concept of restorative justice. Restorative justice highlights mending the relationships between an offender and the vic tim; additionally, it brings the victim and offender together throughout this process (Alberta Government, n.d.). Restorative justice supports ethics of care, as it focuses on the interpersonal relationships versus a punitive approach, which is a key characteristic to this system. Moreover, the offender, victim, and family members are involved in this process, supporting that all parties’ needs are considered. A personal example for ethics of care was when I was working at Park Place Mall where there was an individual who was extremely emotionally distraught. This individual was exhibiting behaviours, which are consistent with someone who was going to steal something, and was acting out towards the staff members in that store. I walked up to this individual and began to talk to this person building rapport. After some time, this individual wanted me to pay for their clothing items because they were embarrassed by the situation. I paid for the items, and met them outside the m all, where this individual started explaining how they wanted to commit suicide. Due to these triggers, I stayed with the individual ensuring their safety, while also listening to their story. Once I was confident this individual would not commit suicide, IShow MoreRelatedMoral Theories Of Utilitarianism And Deontological Ethics1266 Words  | 6 PagesBeidong Zhang Philosophy 108 Prof. Meredith Gunning Final Examination December, 6, 2014 Section A Moral theories of Utilitarianism and Deontology Utilitarianism and deontological ethics are two major theories of ethics, specifying and justifying moral principles. Utilitarianism has been clarified by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). 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Betts | 3/27/2011 | Instructor: Kimber Cramer Davenport University | The textbook breaks down seven philosophies used in business decisions; they are Teleology, Egoism, Utilitarianism, Deontology, Relativist, Virtue ethics, and Justice. In this paper I will define each of the seven listed and compare and contrast so that it is clear to decipher each one from the other. Also I will provide an example of each philosophy to help provide further clarity. The first ofRead MoreEthical Concepts And Principles Of Business Ethics1673 Words  | 7 Pages1) There are laws and regulations designed to ensure proper conduct in business. Plus, individual businessmen and women have their own private consciences to guide them. So do we really need to study business ethics? Is it necessary for businesspeople to be familiar with abstract ethical concepts and principles, and to engage in ethical reasoning? Why / why not? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Compare Contrast - Russia, Ottoman Empire...
Though it may sound heartless and selfish, the needs and aims of countries usually are the primary factor controlling their foreign relations. During the period of the czars, from 1547 to 1917, Russia’s need for land and modernization shaped its relationships with Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire, causing Russia’s leaders to respect and imitate Western Europe while competing with the European powers to fill the power vacuum of the failing Ottoman Empire. Russia emerged as a significant power during the 1500s through war. It fought its neighbors and expanded its territory aimlessly. Ivan the Terrible’s expansion brought him into contact with both Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire. Aiming to gain a port and outlet to the Baltic,†¦show more content†¦Peter recognized that his country was falling behind the European countries in knowledge, technology, trade, and governing ability. Using his absolute power as a czar, he brought in foreign advisers to help him modernize, westernize and educate his people. Peter had a great respect for Europe, and his reforms had a lasting influence in Russia, though there was of course opposition from the more conservative nobles. Peter’s respect did not translate into friendship with Western Europe. These countries were his competitors, his rivals, and one could say that by modernizing Peter was really trying to beat them at their own game. He fought a long war against Sweden and with victory finally gained possession of ports on the Baltic that opened the way for greater trade with Western Europe.†¨Meanwhile, Peter continued Russia’s attempts to expand at the Ottoman Empire’s expense. His short war in 1710-11 was a failure, though, and nearly resulted in his own capture. In spite of this loss, it was obvious to Peter and the rest of Europe that the Ottoman Empire was in an irreversible decline. The Ottomans were quite a contrast to Europe: outdated in technology and military methods, politically unstable, and scarcely able to control their far-flung empire. It was left to Peter’s successor, Catherine II, to take advantage of this. She waged the first major Russo-Turkish war from 1768 to 1774, and its conclusion with the Treaty ofShow MoreRelatedCCOT And CC Essay1549 Words  | 7 PagesAfrica Compare and contrast life in foraging societies with life in agricultural societies after the Agricultural Revolution Identify two key changes in early African history that resulted in a new period in the history of the region The Middle East Analyze the political changes in the Middle East from the Agricultural Revolution to 600 c.e. Compare and contrast the basic features of TWO of the following religious systems prior to 600 c.e. Polytheism Judaism Christianity Asia Compare the originsRead MoreHistory Essay3334 Words  | 14 PagesChange-Over-Time Essay Question Describe and explain continuities and changes in religious beliefs and practices in ONE of the following regions from 1450 to the present. †¢ Sub-Saharan Africa †¢ Latin America/Caribbean Revised Question Analyze continuities and changes in cultural beliefs and practices in ONE of the following regions from 1450 to the present. †¢ Sub-Saharan Africa †¢ Latin America/Caribbean Rationale for Revision: By broadening the scope of the original question from â€Å"religiousRead MoreJust Whatever1974 Words  | 8 Pagesdocuments by explicitly grouping them in at least three appropriate ways. 2000 DBQ: Using specific examples from the documents below, analyze the purposes that rituals and festivals served in traditional European life. Free Response A. Compare and contrast the political and economic policies of Joseph Stalin in the period before the Second world War and those of Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-1991). B. â€Å"Leadership determines the fate of a country.†Evaluate this quotation in terms of Spain’s experienceRead MoreEssay Reveiw4144 Words  | 17 PagesAP Essay Review 17th Century Affairs 1. How did the disintegration of the medieval church and the coming of the Reformation contribute to the development of nation-states in Western Europe between 1450 and 1648? a. Thesis: Rise of absolutism came at the expense of the medieval church, absolutism laid the foundation for the modern-nation state. Supporting Info: (main body) 1. German princes: Luther’s Reformation = more power for princes. They have greater control of political affairs and national
Values and Ethical Beliefs Based on Principles Free Essays
string(86) " codes I could see some discrepancy in how or what was being billed to their records\." Values and ethical standards play a very important role in our daily lives at home and work because of what we personally believe in. Values are things that we feel that have an important meaning in our lives. Ethics are the standards of behavior of what our society appears to believe what is right and wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Values and Ethical Beliefs Based on Principles or any similar topic only for you Order Now My individual values and ethic have slowly developed due to my own personal life’s experiences with family, education, and work. In my reflection paper I will discuss my own personal values, morals, and ethics and relate it to my last job when I was working for a hospital in Arizona. I will incorporate my experience and analyze my moral and ethical principles in an organization evaluation of strengths and weaknesses using detailed examples of circumstances and contexts from the knowledge I have learned so far in my course study with Personal and Organizational Ethics. My personal values play a very important role in my life and they all have to do with what is most important to me. The things that I value the most are my family, religion, education, and my work. Family and religion are my two most important values that I believe to be very important in my life because family is where I have learned most of what and who I am today with my prioritizing my values, ethical and moral standards. My parents brought me up to respect and value family, religion, education, and never to take work for granted. I have had the pleasure of experiencing my parents love and support in all my decisions as an adult. Their love and moral guidance, I believe has helped me set my values and ethical standards. Moral standards include the norms we have about the kinds of actions we believe are morally right and wrong as well as the values we place on the kinds of objects we believe are morally good and morally bad (Velasquez, 2006). I only want others around me to be proud of who I am and what kind of moral and ethical decisions I make not only for me, my family but for my co-workers as well. In the future, if I am to be placed in a supervisor or management position I would want others to respect me due to how I handle certain situations with the best experience in making ethical, and moral decisions not only for them but for the company we work for. In my personal vision and mission statement I believe in honesty and truth. Not only do I believe in my own statement but I believe that businesses should focus on three different kinds of issues: systemic, corporate, and individual. According to Velasquez, 2006 p. 4, a Systemic issues in business ethics are ethical questions raised about the economic, political, legal, and other social systems or institutions within which businesses operate. This would touch on how a business operates when making decisions morality of capitalism, law, regulations, industrial structures, and social practices. Money should never get in the way of making the right decision for oneself or for one’s employer. I believe in the saying, †Å"What goes around will come around. †If I lie, cheat, or steel; it will come around and bite me in the behind ten times greater. If I stand up for the truth and work honestly at my job it will find me later down my life’s path and bless me ten times greater. My personal impression of what I would like others to view me to be in the future when I am a manager is someone that everyone looks up to for advice because they see how open, honest, and my moral along with my ethical reasoning’s are followed by a very strict code of ethics. As a future manager I want to follow and respect company’s policy guidelines and help others know that by doing this you can make a difference in people’s lives and even possibly save them from being fired, fined, and/or imprisoned. I think this is where the ethics of corporation come into play. Instead I want to help get them that promotion or raise they deserve. I’m all about helping others and myself to make a positive change in their values, morals, and ethical decisions based on holding to a code of ethics that is going to help keep principles in balance with today’s’ hard ethical decisions with companies that are located all geographically around the world. I worked as a clerk in the administrational department for five years in one the largest hospitals in Arizona I had the opportunity to experience many situations when dealing with moral and ethical decisions. One example was when I was supervising seven other employees in the administration department. We would take patients personal information such as their current home, work, employment, and insurance data and put it into a personal information program and file it for hospital records. I was also in charge of making sure the patient’s medical insurance were up to date, current, and proper medical billing was accurately inputted into the patient’s records. Once the patient left I would be in charge to take co-pays and then mail them bill for everything that was done during the visit. Now once in a while when a patient left and stopped by my window to check out they would ask questions and I would answer to the best of my ability without giving false or inaccurate information. If you couldn’t guess, most of the questions had to do with money and how much it was going to cost them and if their medical insurance was going to pay for the hospital bill. I had very little knowledge my first year working in the administration and billing department but as I got very familiar with medical terminology and billing codes I could see some discrepancy in how or what was being billed to their records. You read "Values and Ethical Beliefs Based on Principles" in category "Papers" For example a person that had come into the emergency room for left ankle pain would most likely get a left ankle extra. I would take all their personal information down and of course most importantly their medical insurance information and put it in our data program. After two weeks they would receive their bill in the mail. Sometimes the insurance would pay for the entire cost but some insurance would not so this would put the responsibility of the patient to pay the hospital. Well, I was the one that patients would come and talk to and sit down with and put a payment plan together. They would bring in their bill and we would set out a billing plan. A few people that would request to see their medical records and reports because they just could not believe how expensive their hospital visit added up. Well, in many cases I found that customers disputed their bills because they believed that there was incorrect billing cost. Someone was putting in extra data that was not being done to the patient. Earlier I mentioned a patient that came in for left ankle pain and the doctor ordered one x-ray. Now this doesn’t sound too expensive but patients forget that they are also getting billed for other things than just one x-ray. The hospital will bill you for care by the doctor, nurses, x-ray tech, administration, x-ray machine, materials and products they use to service your needs. After explaining this to a patient most of them would not argue and then see that there is a bigger picture then just getting billed for one x-ray. However, there were a handful of patients that didn’t buy all our billing excuses. They wanted to see their medical records in front of them and see what was charged to their personal profile. This is when a code of ethics comes into play and what I didn’t understand back then from what I now understand today because of the knowledge I have learned from my current class in Personal and Organizational Ethics. There were people working in the billing department that would add on false charges to patient’s accounts just so that their bill would be high enough that insurances would be liable to take on cost to pay the hospital. There are insurances that will not cover cost if the cost does not reach a certain price and the hospital loses out on what percentage should be paid by insurance companies and would solely rely on patients to pay for the care that was given to them. When I was working in the billing department there was about 70 percent of patients do not pay their medical bills to the hospital and if they do it takes years and even decades for them to pay it off because they are only making the required minimum payment amount to the hospital. They work the system this way so they do not get sent to collections or damage their personal credit. If insurance companies or patients do not pay medical bills then the hospital could be at risk and could possibly result in future threats of closing down and putting hundreds of employees out of work. If I was managing an organization I would hope that my social responsibilities would be based on a specific utilitarian principle. Utilitarian principles require that managers pursue those goals that will produce the greatest social benefits and the least social harm (Velasquez, 2006). I would want to conduct business and perform at a level that would be socially and economically beneficial to my organization. My responsibilities would require me to make decisions that would work best for my company and the employees; making sure that no physical or financial harm would come to either one of them and to make sure that the produced goods are being met according to standard. If there would be a situation that would put myself, the company, or employees into a social or economical harm I would do my best to find an effective way to achieve the responsibilities that were given to me because of my position as a manager. Another responsibility that I believe is very important that is required as a manager is to have is the ability to do performance appraisals. It is an important part in the career development. One must obtain, analyze, and record information about the approximant worth of an employee to the organization. In my current job right now, I work at a local bank and my manager sits down with us every 6 months and does a performance appraisal. This is when I, the employee gets evaluated on my personal strengths and weakness. It is also a time for possible promotions, recognition, or the need for more training. In my opinion this is a very effective way that management can relay information back to their employees on how they are doing and what they expect from their employees to make their organization the best not only for themselves but for the entire company. If I was to analyze my previous organization I worked for back in Arizona on an ethical perspective when it came to finding out that extra charges were being inputted into patients billing records I would have to say that it morally and ethically wrong. If the hospital did not input extra charges then the patient’s insurances would not cover a certain percentage of the bill, so therefore the patient would have to pay out of pocket due to their own insurances not covering the cost. The hospital would solely rely on the patient to pay the bill however, because of past experiences the hospital has a good impression that the patient(s) will not pay back the hospital for the services that were provided. Is it morally ethical that the billing department put extra charges on a patient’s records when those procedures were not performed on the patient while they visited; only to help the patient not pay out of pocket so that their insurance would cover the cost of health care. I can see how the hospital is trying to prevent losses by adding on enough charges to the patient’s records so that the insurance would cover the cost instead of the patient going into debt; and therefore limiting the risk that the hospital may go bankrupt by never getting paid due to the patient unable to pay the bill. I have come to know and realize that if I am ever to be placed into a management position I want to portray a positive moral and ethical example to my company, co-workers, and others around me like my friends and family. I believe that there are principles that need to be followed and respected based on moral ethics and how they can relate to a business. In my opinion I believe that dealing with ethics in a business perspective I am following a code of ethics of what is right and not what is wrong. Ethical means accepted standards in terms of your personal and social welfare; what you believe is right (Velasquez, 2006). I may feel differently than another manager who is dealing with the same situation but we both choose to ethically make different actions and decisions base on our own experience and perspective of what is right; however, it doesn’t mean either one of us is wrong. Moral standards include the norms we have about the kinds of actions we believe are morally right and wrong as well as the values we place on the kinds of objects we believe are morally good and morally bad (Velasquez, 2006). For example my moral standards are to tell the truth and to protect innocent people. If my company wants me to lie about a finding on a report; I know that if I do this then I am not following my personal moral standards. Another example is if I know that my company is not disclosing any possible danger or harm to their employees due to the products or equipment that is toxic to their health they are using; then I know that I am not following my moral standards. In too many cases I find that what goes around will come back around. You can only through dirt over it for so long because the rain is going to come and clear away the findings. The truth will always come out sooner or later, and then what will others think of you for making unethical decisions based on moral standards they thought you had and lived by. However, it is possible that I allow myself to lower my moral standards due to unethical persuasions that have come from a higher threatening position that puts pressure on me. Therefore a decision or action could be forced upon me which is an example of nonmoral standards. According to Velasquez (2006), nonmoral standards can be contrasted with standards we hold about things that are not moral. For example my company may threaten to replace me if I do not do what is requested by them. It is possible that I could be persuaded to make a nonmoral decision over my moral standards based on examples like my job is at risk, my pay is good, I have bills and a mortgage, or I have a family to provide for. Nonmoral standards are the standards by which we judge what is good or bad and right or wrong in a nonmoral way (Velasquez, 2006). This is one example of my moral philosophies and ethical principles that I would not like to experience future management decision. Nor would I want to hold onto these kinds of standards in an organization I would be working for now or in the future. I find this to be a very weak characteristic that only hurts my organization reputation, me, and others that I may be leading moral and ethical examples for them to follow. We need to lead by examples in order to continue to make ethical business decisions. In order to change bad management habits or organizational conditions one must realize that there are areas that need improvement and then a plan needs to be developed. In my previous job working in the medical field for over 5 years I experienced highs and lows in regards to how management handled certain situations. Training new employees was something that needed to be addressed. Many new hires were lueless with policies and procedures. They had no experience or skills with the technology that the administrator department used. New employees were not properly trained. They were told and showed one time this is how we take patient’s information, insurance cards and put it into the data system. They missed vital information that was almost impossible to get once the patient left the hospital’s facility and insurances were not notified with in a proper time frame of the patient’s visit. My manager would find missing information and sit one by one and lecture new employees how they were not doing their job right; this sometimes lead to employees quitting and complaints to higher personal that the administration department was not properly collecting the right information from patients. Instead of lecturing new employees and making them feel bad for not doing their job correctly due to lack of proper and adequate training I would set a plan in action to train new employees and set up performance evaluations. My suggestion was to place new employees in a class for at least 1 week prior from starting and have them practice hands on training with our computer system we used when taking patient’s vital information. As a manager I would try to find ways to keep my employees instead of losing them due them being frustrated with not understanding the importance of collecting accurate data on patients when entering into the hospital. Also I found that when my manager would sit most of her employees down in her office she was rude, downgrading, and belittling most of them. When conducting a performance evaluation it would allow the manager and the employee to sit down and talk about what needs to be improved and also what areas have been met. In the five years I worked for this organization, not one time did I get any kind of praise or recognition. Going forward when I become a manager I know how important it is to express to my employees how much they are worth to me and the organization. I would suggest that the management board come together at lease quarterly and do something for their employees like providing a group lunch every quarter to show their appreciation or perhaps allowing the top employees to take off an hour early with pay. There are many ways to show an organization appreciates their employees like a thank you card, or a certificate to a restaurant. It is our job as managers to recognize the hard workers and appraise them once in a while for their commitment and hard work toward our organization. We are a team and one annot get the job done without the other and there is no position better than the other. In a business perspective we’ve seen that values and moral standards play a big role in how we make decisions on a daily basis. We base our values and morals on the importance of what we feel are ethically right and wrong. Our society that we live in is what helps us develop our ethics and keeps our belief strong with what is right, wrong, goo d and evil. My previous work experience and education has helped me develop my own moral standards. In this reflection paper I have discussed my own personal values, morals, and ethics and relate it to my last job when I was working for a hospital in Arizona. I have given examples of what kind of management skills I want to improve on and continue to develop for my future organization I will one day work for. I’ve realized that I must stand strong with my moral and ethical principles in order to be a good manager who will lead by great examples and help other follow in a positive way to use their moral and ethical principles when making important and vital decisions for an organization. I’ve used this course of study in Personal and Organization Ethics to help me evaluate the strengths and weaknesses and I’ve given examples using detailed circumstances and contexts from the knowledge I have learned so far. References Velasquez, M. (2006). Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases (6th ed. ). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. How to cite Values and Ethical Beliefs Based on Principles, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Young Adults And Alcohol Essays - Drinking Culture, Alcohol
Young Adults and Alcohol The drinking age in the United States is a contradiction. At the age of eighteen, one can drive a car, vote in an election, get married, serve in the military and buy tobacco products. In the United States you are legally an adult at eighteen. An eighteen-year-old, however, can not purchase alcoholic beverages. The minimum drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one in the United States. Unbelievably, the United States citizens trust their sixteen-year-old children to drive three thousand pound vehicles. We require our working young to pay taxes. We trust the decision-making abilities of eighteen year olds in public elections, with the right to smoke, and with the choice of marriage without parental consent. Our young adults are encouraged to join the army and fight for their country. We however believe that until the age of twenty-one our young adults can not handle alcohol. There is an ever-growing problem on campuses all across the nation: the abuse of alcohol. College freshman, usually nineteen, enter college with a bias involving the drinking law. In almost every aspect other than the drinking age, these freshmen are considered adults. However, they are told by the law they are not responsible enough to handle alcohol. Elizabeth Whelan declares, "Banning drinking by young people makes it a badge of adulthood -- a tantalizing forbidden fruit" (84). This badge of adulthood is quickly attained by college freshman, who lash out at the drinking age, with binge drinking. The abuse of alcohol by young people can likely be prevented, certainly not in all cases but in many. In most European countries moderate drinking is common by teenagers. These teens have been taught about the dangers of alcohol and were brought up by parents who let their children experience alcohol moderately. Whelan observes, "Though the per capita consumption of alcohol in France, Spain and Portugal is higher than in the United States, the rate of alcoholism and alcohol abuse is lower "(84). United States parents should take the hint from Europe and educate their children about alcohol. Parents should not just say alcohol is bad and evil. Parents should teach about the effects of alcohol, how to drink properly and when alcohol is appropriate. Parents have the chance to properly educate their young adults. These young adults will experience alcohol somewhere and will be given an education by someone. The lessons of alcohol should be learned at home. There are many possible remedies to the problem of underage alcohol abuse. The best possible curative would be to lower the drinking age to nineteen, not eighteen. At eighteen many young adults are still in high school. However, at the age of nineteen most young adults are out of high school or close to graduating. The thought of high school seniors legally drinking would put a bad taste in many citizens' mouths. In Canada, the drinking age is already nineteen which entices many nineteen or twenty year olds across the border for a drink. Our young adult population lashes out at the law by drinking excessively. There are too many young adults being hurt while abusing alcohol. Too many deaths, rapes and accidents have occurred. This illegal action can be deterred, and many lives will be saved, but only through the education by parents and society. The drinking age should and can be lowered with the approval and assistance from the citizens of the United States.
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