Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Analysis Of Walt Whitman s Works And Pieces - 1452 Words

Justin Polkowitz Mrs. Ryan Academic English 2 26 April 2015 Social Change Research Paper These writers and activists are strongly opposed to slavery, and oppression and want to obtain the same rights, social status, and equality as everyone else. They have identical goals that they want to fulfill and are well aware of the controversy that they will not ignore that society has to collaborate to resolve problems and issues in order to unify the nation as one. It is important that all races are treated equally and they must remove the barriers that are preventing freedom. As America develops its culture, these unintimidated activists have similar dreams including Walt Whitman, Langston Hughes, Charlotte Gilman, Malala Yousafzi, Alice Paul, and Martin Luther King Jr. influence their views of society to promote equality and social change. Walt Whitman’s works and pieces illuminates on the potential of America. Whitman is a very outspoken and an optimistic poet and feels that when he was visiting New Orleans this truly exposed him to the harshness of slavery. Based on his beliefs and knowledge, he believes that America will very likely make a superior change to our society. Whitman states, â€Å"Center of equal daughters, equal sons†(Whitman 1,â€Å"America†). Through his poetry, Whitman portrays the need for equality and he helps Americans discover the nation without slavery and oppression. Racism is surely a societal issue; everyone should be â€Å"Singing with open mouths their strongShow MoreRelatedAllen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California Literary Analysis1669 Words   |  7 PagesMarch 2013 Brief Literary Analysis Lost America: An analysis of â€Å"A Supermarket in California† Allen Ginsberg; philosopher, activist, poet, a man highly revered as a groundbreaking figure between the 1950’s Beat Poetry Generation and the counter-cultural revolution of the 1960’s (poetryarchive.org). 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