Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Relationship between culture and identity Free Essay Example, 1000 words

Tentatively, the notion and aspect of culture holds that the beliefs of one society are unique and cannot be shared or cannot overlap to the next. Culture therefore becomes the defining factor that shapes the worth and value of a people. The very basics and tenets that determine a person or a thing. All human beings in the world are unique from the next only on the basis of their culture. For instance, the things that may be acceptable and pleasant to Americans may be a lot less in Africa or China. Therefore, the overriding beliefs and principles that a people value and define them may not be acceptable or permissible in Africa or Asia. Culture is also learnt and taught to people by their relatives and friends in a community. It is common to notice that people in a society or a community would share culture and beliefs. The term identity in its sense and aspect refers to a condition or a situation of being a thing or being a person. It also refers to the phenomenon or the qualities and properties that make a person to be known or recognizable. We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship between culture and identity or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In all aspects and fairness, it is to mention that the sense of belonging or awareness that makes a person or something to be unique and distinct. For instance, it is important and worth the properties and characteristics of a person are unique and innate. This argument and line of thought implies that those characteristics and properties are unchangeable and cannot be mistaken. Identity is in born and it is unchangeable or cannot be learnt by one person to the next. In principle, identity is a deep within a person and the basics or tenets of a person cannot be mistaken or shared with the next. Thus, the properties and qualities that define the identity of a person are certain and specific to that person alone and another person can never learn or share the characteristics of a human being or person. For instance, if a person is funny or kind in nature the kindness is unique and cannot be shared with another person (Kakar 24). The properties of kind ness or being funny can only be explained or could only hold as true for such a person. Culture may affect people’s identity, but it cannot determine one’s identity. This is to mention that culture could be held by people with commonalities such as being of the same society. Therefore, if people who belong to the same area or same language belong to the same geographic area learn and acquire modes of life and their ways of living. For instance, something such as a language can be used for communication by people pf a tribe, country or locality and then that identifies and sets them apart from the rest.

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